
SDA Engineering was the turnkey contractor chosen to design, supply, install and maintain a 3.1MW gas-fired cogeneration at the RMIT city campus in Melbourne. Though SDA have experience with rooftop installations in crowded areas, such as 530 Collins St Melbourne and Adelaide Uni, this project presented...

SDA Engineering played the key engineering role in the design, development, construction and commissioning of a unique biomass-to-energy (B2E) pyrolysis system that saw its first full-scale installation at Holla Fresh, a greenhouse grown culinary herbs provider located in Tantanoola in South Australia. The plant converts...

SDAE was appointed as the Engineer and Turnkey Contractor by ETSA Utilities to design and construct a 6MWe diesel powered generating plant at the Kingscote Substation on Kangaroo Island, South Australia for network support. Kangaroo Island is the 3rd largest Island off the Australian Coast, approximately...

Major challenges faced with this project were obtaining the approval of the EPA for a diesel operated station, complying with the EPA strict clean air policies for the Adelaide metropolitan air shed and meeting very demanding deadlines set by the client. “new benchmarks have been set...

This was a fast track project – from green field to fully commissioned power station in 6 months from the project order. The finished facility has a quick start capability of 2 minutes from standstill to full load in fully automatic unmanned operation, in order...

We installed 4 × 1.5MW low emission generators to provide emergency backup power and export capability for market participation at the Fairfax Printers plant in Chullora NSW. The plant has a workforce of 280 and is the only printing plant in Australia to produce three major...

SDA designed, supplied, installed and commissioned this system, which includes a 2MW gas fired generator with heat recovery to hot water and an exhaust driven boiler to produce steam. The plant has been in service since 2014, and SDA has been assisting with service and...

SDA were awarded the EPC contract to supply The Tooheys Brewery with a trigeneration plant Main features: Electrical output of 2000kW at 11kV Exhaust converted into 700kw steam HT engine loop converted into 750kW chilled water LT engine loop designed and installed to provide future domestic...

Located in Port Melbourne, Symex is a world-competitive manufacturer exporting over 75 per cent of its products to over 35 countries, including the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Europe . With a site history beginning in 1856, Symex is renowned for its consistently high-quality products...

This co-generation system consists of a 7.9MW gas fired turbine producing electricity for the site’s 22kV distribution system, coupled to an exhaust heat boiler producing high pressure steam to the site. The generator can seamlessly transition the whole site into island operation during a grid...